Out of nowhere, cherished memories are enlivened once more.
Out of nowhere, beautiful dreams come true.
Out of nowhere, an old pal still remembers you.
Out of nowhere, you meet someone so unforgettable.
Out of nowhere, friends seem like strangers.
Out of nowhere, a stranger becomes your confidant.
Out of nowhere, it might seem like you lost someone forever.
Out of nowhere, you might realize, that someone, lives in you always.
Out of nowhere, even a full plate won’t satisfy a hunger.
Out of nowhere, a shared loaf will fulfill two hearts.
Out of nowhere, a house filled with dear ones turns into home.
Out of nowhere, home without loved ones feels like just any other roof.
Out of nowhere, tears come out of a non-stop laughter.
Out of nowhere, you will start laughing at your silly welled-up eyes.
Out of nowhere, everything around stop moving to a halt.
Out of nowhere, a strength comes within to kick-start again.
Out of nowhere, some things are not seen through, even under lights.
Out of nowhere, some things become much clearer, even in darkness.
Out of nowhere, you might get suffocated to the unbearable silence.
Out of nowhere, you shall find tranquility although in a busy crowd.
Out of nowhere, a whole life is lived in just a few moments.
Out of nowhere, a few moments seem to consume a lifetime.
Out of nowhere, life has rain on a scorching sunny day.
Out of nowhere, life has sun on a bleak rainy day.
Now that is Life.
Full of Surprises.
Just Fabulous.